Current Traffic in Metro Manila
Wednesday - June 1, 2022 | Reading Time: 1 min 11 seconds
Heavy traffic may be the worst thing that has ever happened to some people, yet it is a huge benefit to business owners and advertisers because of Out-Of-Home Advertising. Out-of-home advertising (OOH), also called OOH media, is any visual advertising media found outside of the home.

Photo credits: SmartBrief
Now that Alert Level 1 is in full swing in Metro Manila for the first time, more workers are back in the offices, public transportation is operating under full capacity, and there are more relaxed restrictions in recreational venues. Heavier traffic flow, observed more foot and vehicular traffic as it heightened its monitoring of social activities in public areas.
The Philippine National Police (PNP) has observed heavy traffic flow in Metro Manila and all areas under COVID Alert Level 1 status since the restrictions on the movement of people were eased on Tuesday, March 1. The observation was based on the report of police commanders on the ground who also noticed the sudden increase of people going out. (
Heavy traffic may be the worst thing that has ever happened to some people, yet it is a huge benefit to business owners and advertisers because of Out-Of-Home Advertising. Out-of-home advertising (OOH), also called OOH media, is any visual advertising media found outside of the home. Advertisers can enjoy extended interaction with audiences through out-of-home (OOH) advertising in ways that other mediums just cannot match.c flow in Metro Manila and all areas under COVID Alert Level 1 status since the restrictions on the movement of people were eased on Tuesday, March 1. The observation was based on the report of police commanders on the ground who also noticed the sudden increase of people going out. (