4 Proven Approaches to Measure the True Performance of Your Out-of-Home Advertising Campaigns
Wednesday - June 1, 2022 | Reading Time: 1 min 41 seconds
Many marketers wrongly believe that outdoor advertising cannot be measured as a performance channel, and that out-of-home measurement choice is confined to awareness-oriented metrics like impressions, reach, and frequency linked with specified demographics. Nothing could be further from the truth in 2021. With the right partner, you can enjoy OOH measurement on par with digital media.
Here are the approaches to measure the performance of your OOH media campaigns, regardless of your brand objective and campaign KPI.
Attribution Analysis
Attribution analysis is one of the most powerful tools in a performance marketer’s toolkit because it uncovers insights that can be used for campaign optimization. OOH ad exposures, which are analogous to impressions in the digital media realm, are the core of OOH attribution. Location data may now be used to measure unit-level ad exposures for both static and digital OOH ad units. Attribution analysis connects the dots by combining ad exposure and conversion data to determine which conversions should be ascribed to (or given credit for) particular ad units.
Lift Analysis
Attribution reporting shows you which parts of your media plan worked best, but marketers must isolate the impact of their OOH ad campaigns to discover their true ROI. We do this by measuring the OOH ROI on both upper funnel and bottom funnel KPIs using controlled experiments - lift studies with treatment and control groups. AdQuick's geographic lift measurement solutions are among the best in the industry.
Halo Effect
You can use attribution and lift analysis to determine the direct impact of your OOH campaign on a variety of indicators, such as e-commerce sales and in-store visits. It is well-known that OOH boosts the effectiveness of your other marketing channels. This is often referred to as the “halo effect”.
Social Mentions
Because OOH advertising can provide uniquely immersive and engaging brand experiences, pictures of creative outdoor ads are often shared through social media. However, the tracking mechanisms used to measure consumer actions like website visits can’t be used on third-party websites, so OOH campaigns designed to spur social mentions require their flavor of measurement tactics. Analysis of the lift in usage across pre-determined hashtags is a standard way to measure social mentions, but this approach only catches posts that have the correct hashtag – which is frequently a very small fraction of all relevant posts.
Source: https://www.adquick.com/blog/how-to-measure-your-ooh-campaign/